Write for us

thealthbenefitsof.com opens opportunities for bloggers and blog writers to write and send useful articles to us. Articles must be included in one of the categories on this site.

For each article sent we charge a fee of $50 (fees can change at any time). We will make a link to do-follow and it will be permanent. Send us the email to admin@thealthbenefitsof.com

However, we have criteria for the articles you write. Here are some criteria that must be fulfilled.

  • Useful article
  • 800 words minimum
  • No, p0rn0, g@mbling, c@sino, and other niches are the same
  • Articles that have been published, already belong to thealthbenefitsof.com admin

Thus some of the criteria that we can convey, these criteria can change at any time in accordance with developments.

Note: The payment method is via paypal only

So that we can convey, hopefully useful!