Home Remedies Amazing Natural Herb for High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

Amazing Natural Herb for High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

Amazing Natural Herb for High Blood Pressure. High blood pressure is a health issue that is very dangerous because it can lead to various frightening chronic diseases. If you check your blood pressure and it is at 120/80 then this is the normal size. However, if you check your blood pressure and found that it was at 140/90, your doctor will give you a warning to be careful, because this is not normal.

High blood pressure is very dangerous for health because it can trigger chronic diseases such as stroke, heart attack and others. Well, if you have a high blood pressure, then immediately ask the advice of a doctor or undergo medical treatment. However, you can also undergo a natural treatment with natural herbs for high blood pressure.

Because high blood pressure is a bad problem, then we prescribe natural herbal remedies for high blood pressure. This traditional medicine is potent gives a positive influence on your health as well as the material is also easy to find and cheap.

Remember! Allowing uncontrolled blood pressure can lead to serious health problems such as kidney failure, heart attack, can even cause you to lose sight.

Natural herbs for high blood pressure that we will write is celery. Celery is a vegetable for food seasoning that provides remedies for high blood pressure. Phthalide compounds contained in celery making muscle tissue and arteries become relaxed. The effect that you get are: the blood flow so that no blood pressure.

More: 6 Powerful Foods for Blood Pressure

Natural Herb for High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

How to use celery as a natural herb for high blood pressure? Here we see the necessary ingredients:


1. 2-3 fresh stalks of celery

Natural Herb for High Blood Pressure

2. Half a beetroot.

Natural Herb for High Blood Pressure, beet

3. Half a green apple.

Natural Herb for High Blood Pressure, apple

4. One carrot.

Natural Herb for High Blood Pressure, carrot

5. One lemon.

Natural Herb for High Blood Pressure, lemon

How to prepare natural herb for hypertension

All materials incorporated into the blender and mash until smooth. Well, the result is a glass of juice you need to drink every day. So, you need to make this juice every day. These herbs will provide relief for those who have hypertension. Share this natural herbs for blood pressure for your family, friends and people who have high blood pressure problems. Thanks